Entering the show
Entrants should email their completed entry form to: ShowSecretary@Leeds.bcss.org.uk
Please send in your entry form by: Sunday 15th September 2024.
Show Secretary Sue Keane will confirm receipt of your entry form by email.
Staging times
Saturday 21st September: 5.15pm until 6pm.
Sunday 22nd September: 7.45 am until 10 am.
Exhibitors can remove their plants after the show has ended at 4 pm. A Show Steward will announce when the show has ended and removal of plants can begin.
The show is open to visitors from 11 am until 4 pm on Sunday 22nd September 2024.
Classes 1 to 54 are open to members of the British Cactus and Succulent Society only, including associate and junior members.
Novice classes (50 to 51) are open to any BCSS member who hasn’t won a 1st prize in an open class at a BCSS show. Anyone who has only won a novice class, junior class, or a class at a non-BCSS show is still eligible to enter the novice section. All junior members can also enter.
Junior classes (52 to 54) are open to any BCSS member age 18 and under.
There is no charge to enter any class.
Exhibitors may enter any number of plants/entries in any class.
Plants entered must be the property of the exhibitor.
Pot sizes
Some classes have a pot limit: this is the maximum size pot that a plant entered into the class can be in. Pot sizes are taken as the inside measurement at the top. Square pots will be measured as the distance between the parallel sides, not diagonally.
For class 44 (educational class), a maximum base area is given for the exhibit. Bases of pots and educational material must be contained in this area, but tops of pots and plants can overhang.
Show Stewards may re-position show plants if required, for example to make more space.
Exhibitors should ask a Show Steward to help if they find there isn’t enough space to stage their plants, rather than attempting to move another entrant’s plants.
All exhibitors should leave the show area at 10 am, ready for judging to begin.
We can accept no responsibility for the safely of plants or other property. All reasonable precautions will be taken against theft or damage, but all exhibits will be staged at their owners’ risk.
Judging criteria
Judging will be carried out according to the BCSS’s recommendations in the Handbook of Shows, 11th Edition (2021). This is also the authority for the classification of plants.
A copy of the Handbook of Shows will be available on the day, and can be downloaded here: BCSS Handbook of Shows.
Exhibitors who are unsure which class to enter a plant into are welcome to email the Show Secretary or Show Manager.
Classes 1 to 43 and 50 to 53 will be judged as general classes. Exhibits will be judged on condition and maturity (60%), presentation (20%) and difficulty in cultivation (20%).
Class 44 will be judged as an educational class. Exhibits will be judged on condition (30%), presentation (30%), and educational content (40%).
Classes 45 to 49 and class 54 will be judged as display classes. Accessories may be used in all classes. Exhibits will be judged on artistry of arrangement (75%) and condition (25%).
All plants exhibited should belong to a genus listed in the Handbook of Shows.
Exhibitors can’t enter plants they know to be habitat-collected into the show.
Class 23 (any other cactus) is for plants belonging to the following groups: Coryphantha, Frailea, Pediocactus, Rebutia, Rhipsalis, Stenocactus, Strombocactus, Turbinicarpus.
Class 38 (any other succulent) is for plants belonging to the following groups: Adenia, Anacampseros, Ceropegia, Didierea, Dorstenia, Kedrostis, Othonna, Pachypodium, Pelargonium, Peperomia, Sansevieria, Stapelia.
Show judge
Gareth Darbon will judge all plant classes (classes 1 to 54).
Diploma certificates will be awarded for: Best Cactus In Show
Best Succulent In Show
Award Of Merit certificates may be awarded to other notable plants or exhibits.
Plant sales
Anyone who enters plants into the show and/or volunteers can sell plants on the sales table.
Plants should have 2 labels: one with the plant name, and the other should have the price and the seller’s name or initials.
Commission will be 20%.
Sellers will receive their money after the day of the show, either by bank transfer or they can arrange to collect it at a Leeds or Bradford branch meeting.
Plants should be in good condition and pest and disease free. Sales plants should be cacti or succulents, or other plants commonly grown alongside them, such as South African bulbs, bromeliads, or other arid plants.
If bringing a particularly large number of sales plants, please put yourself forward to spend some time volunteering on the sales table or in another role if you can.
The non-competitive plant display area will be next to the sales area; if you have a larger specimen of a type of plant you are selling, you are welcome to display it here.
Everyone is welcome to volunteer at the show. Contact Show Manager Tracey Marshall to find out more: secretary@bradford.bcss.org.uk
Staging information
Show address: RHS Harlow Carr, Crag Lane, Harrogate, North Yorkshire, HG3 1QB.
The plant show will be held in the 2 rooms on the top floor of the Bramall Learning Centre building. These have easy, step-free access from the main car park.
Exhibitors will enter the garden through a gate normally used as an exit. This leads from the car park to the back of the Bramall Learning Centre building.
A show volunteer will be in the car park to greet exhibitors. The gate is positioned between the last disabled parking space and the rest of the parking spaces in the main car park.
We will have some parking spaces reserved for us on the day of the show.
This gate will only be used an an entrance during staging times and after 4pm. The main garden entrance should be used during show opening times. BCSS members get free entry by showing their BCSS membership card or online version, available in the members’ area of the website.
More information
More information is available on the Bradford website; hover over the Harlow Carr Show 2024 tab at the top of the page.
Show classes can be viewed here.
An entry form is available as a Word document here: 2024 Harlow Carr Show entry form
The show schedule is available as a PDF here: 2024 Harlow Carr Show Schedule