These are the shows and other events organised by some of our neighbouring British Cactus and Succulent Society branches.
Cactus and Succulent Shows
Sheffield branch hold their show at Sheffield Botanical Gardens, usually the first weekend of June. The show and the botanical gardens have free entry, with free and pay-and-display parking on the surrounding streets.
The North West Mesemb Show is held in Manchester each autumn. This year’s show is Saturday 12th October 2024. There is a small entrance cost.
This is the country’s only annual mesemb show, where you can see classes for Lithops, Conophytum and other types of mesemb plants.
Plant Sales
Manchester hold the North West Cactus Mart in May each year.
The North West Mesemb Show held on 12th October 2024 also has a large sales area with plant nurseries and amateur growers selling a range of cacti and succulents.