Bradford Cactus and Succulent Show was held at Woodbank Garden Centre on Saturday 10th June 2023. The show attracted exhibitors from 4 different branches of the British Cactus and Succulent Society.
Best Cactus was won by this huge Copiapoa coquimbana, exhibited by Gareth Darbon.
Best Succulent was won by this Gasteria rawlinsonii, also exhibited by Gareth Darbon!
We’ll see Gareth again at the Autumn Cactus and Succulent Show at Harlow Carr in September, where he is the show’s judge.
As well as large specimen plants, the show has classes that allow entrants to show their creative side. The themed display class featured WALL-E this year.
Astrophytum, pot limit class
Denmoza rhodacantha winning the Echinopsis group
Ferocactus glaucescens inermis winning the Echinocactus class
Mammillaria group winner, pot limit class
Melocactus group, won by Uebelmannia pectinifera, with Discocactus 2nd
Gymnocalycium, pot limit class
Haworthia in the Collection class
Crassulaceae in the Collection class
Echeveria 'Compton Carousel'
WALL-E with a succulent in the themed display class
Echeveria in the themed display class for 'All In One Basket'
The unusual container class was won by a cactus planted in a sharps bin!
a view of Bradford Cactus and Succulent Show
Cristate or monstrose class, shown during staging
Mammillaria class, shown during staging
Mammillaria class, shown during staging
Astrophytum class, shown during staging
Ariocarpus class, shown during staging
Melocactus group class, showing during staging
Eriosyce group class, shown during staging
Rebutia group class, shown during staging
Thelocactus class, shown during staging
Gymnocalycium class, shown during staging