The Autumn Cactus and Succulent Show At Harlow Carr took place on Saturday 23rd September 2023 and had over 50 classes with some amazing plants on display.
The show will take place again next year on Sunday 22nd September 2024.
The Copiapoa solaris in the top left won Best Cactus In Show. The plant at the front came 2nd in the Copiapoa class and won an Award Of Merit
Adromischus nanus won Best Succulent In Show
This amazing succulent landscape won the Unusual Container class and also received an Award Of Merit
Pachyphytum oviferum which won an Award Of Merit
Parodia magnifica which won an Award Of Merit
Matucana weberbaueri which won an Award Of Merit
Agave victoriae-reginae which won an Award Of Merit
Ariocarpus class
Ariocarpus class winner
Astrophytum class, winning plant flowering
Astrophytum class, 3rd place plant flowering
Astrophytum class winner
Astrophytum class
Cereus group class, won by Buiningia brevicylindrica
the amazing Buiningia brevicylindrica that won the Cereus group class
Copiapoa class, with Best Cactus In Show and an Award Of Merit for 1st and 2nd place
Copiapoa class, 3rd
Copiapoa class with 14cm pot limit, 1st
Copiapoa class with 14cm pot limit
Copiapoa class with 14cm pot limit, 2nd
Echinocactus group winner
Echinocactus group class
Echinocereus class, won by the plant in the top left
Echinopsis group class
Echinopsis group class, won by a Denmoza
Eriosyce group winner
Eriosyce group
Gymnocalycium class
Gymnocalycium class winner
Gymnocalycium class, 11cm pot limit winner
Gymnocalycium class, 11cm pot limit
Lophophora class winner
Lophophora class
Mammillaria class winner
Mammillaria class 2nd
Mammillaria class 3rd
Mammillaria class
Mammillaria class. Huge plants!
Mammillaria class, 18cm pot limit
Mammillaria class, 18cm pot limit, winner
Mammillaria class, 18cm pot limit, 2nd place
Mammillaria class, 11cm pot limit
Mammillaria class, 11cm pot limit, winner
Matucana class. The winner also received an Award of Merit
Melocactus group class
Melocactus group class winner, an Uebelmannia
Opuntia class winner
Opuntia class, 3rd place, Maihuenia
Opuntia class
Parodia class winner, which also received an Award Of Merit
Parodia class, 3rd place plant flowering
Rebutia group class winner
Rebutia group class
Rebutia, Strombocactus, Thelocactus and Turbinicarpus group classes
Strombocactus group, won by Pelecyphora
Strombocactus group class. Several desirable slow-growing genera go in this class
Thelocactus winner
Thelocactus class, another very popular one
Turbinicarpus class
Turbinicarpus class winner
'any other cactus' class winner
'any other cactus' class. Stenocactus were popular in this class
cristate or monstrose class winner, won by a cristate Epithelantha
cristate or monstrose class 2nd, a cristate Pachypodium
3 plants, 25cm pot limit, 2nd and Highly Commended. I forgot to photograph 3rd and 1st...
4 plants, 14cm pot limit winner. Ariocarpus, Copiapoa and Astrophytum
4 plants, 14cm pot limit, 2nd
4 plants, 14cm pot limit, 3rd
6 plants, 9cm pot limit
6 plants, 9cm pot limit , winner. Uebelmannia, Aztekium, Strombocactus, Ariocarpus, Encephalocarpus, Blossfeldia
6 plants, 9cm pot limit , 2nd and 3rd
Agave group
Agave group winner. you can also see we had a screen showing a photo presentation in the succulent class room
Agave group, 2nd place. Calibanus hookeri
Calibanus hookeri, 2nd in Agave group
Agave group, 18cm pot limit, winner
Agave group, 18cm pot limit
Aloe group winner
Aloe group winner flowering
Aloe group
Adromischus group class won by Adromischus nanus, which was Best Succulent In Show. a huge specimen for this species!
Adromischus group class, which also includes Kalanchoe The Best Succulent in Show was in this class, the Adromischus nanus.
Aeonium group winner
Aeonium group 2nd and 3rd
Crassula group winner
Crassula group 2nd and 3rd
Pachyphytum oviferum winning the Echeveria group class and an Award of Merit
Echeveria group, a very popular class
Echeveria group 2nd, a Dudleya
Echeveria group 3rd
Echeveria group Highly Commended. a very competitive class!
Sedum and Sempervivum group winner
Sedum and Sempervivum group
a view of the Sedum and Sempervivum group, then Echeveria, Crassula and Aeonium groups
Euphorbia class
Euphorbia class. Won by the Show Secretary!
Euphorbia class 2nd
Euphorbia class, 3rd place obesa
Gasteria class
Gasteria class
Haworthia class winner
Haworthia class
Haworthia class, 11cm pot limit
Lithops class
any other mesemb - 2 Titanopsis, both flowering
'any other succulent' won by a Dorstenia
'any other succulent' 2nd place. a huge Fockea!
the Collection class, 2nd place. Theme - Aeonium
the Collection class, featuring Aeonium, Crassula and Sulcorebutia collections
'Parent and offsping' education class, winner. Aeonium tabuliforme from cuttings.
'Parent and offsping' education class, 2nd place. Euphorbia meloformis from seed.
bowl garden class, 1st. this was a really popular class
bowl garden class, 3rd
bowl garden class, 2nd. Lithops garden
Decorative pot class , won by a dinosaur
Decorative pot class
Unusual container class, first place and an award of merit
Unusual container class, first place, close up
Unusual container class, first place and a view of some of the other entries. 3rd prize went to a sharps bin with a cactus in and 2nd was a pumpkin planted with an Echeveria and I completely failed to get a good photo!
Themed container class - Under The Sea
Themed container class - WALL-E
Themed container class. 'Ammonite'. Highly commended.
winner of the cactus-themed arts and crafts class, decided by a vote. wood-turned pens made from cholla cactus wood filled with colourful resin
2nd place in the cactus-themed arts and crafts class, decided by a vote.
3rd in the cactus-themed arts and crafts class, decided by a vote.